For a Lifetime by Gabrielle Meyer

I think the premise of this series is so interesting…that someone can live in two time periods and then must decide which to live permanently in at a certain age. Each of the books so far has had a different twist or emphasis in the time crossing. In this book there are twin sisters who cross between 1912 and 1692. Will they stay together or go their separate ways on their 25th birthdays?

This book started out a little slow for me. The sisters live in Salem at the time of the witch trials so they 100% want to leave and live in 1912 as soon as they can. Life is hard and unpleasant for them there and if anyone finds out about their special gift, it could be catastrophic. But things in 1912 aren’t super easy either.

There’s a huge twist part way through the book that I didn’t see coming. I always like being caught off guard. It brought out another dimension to time crossing. While the storylines were interesting, I didn’t find the girls to be very relatable. For this book, the plot rather than the people drove the story for me.

Thank you to Bethany House for providing me with an e-copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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